Southern Grace UC Casanova Mill-Run O Pimpin Aint Ez Southern Grace In Cahoots
Valley's-edge D Aroma Joe Valley's-edge SW Black Jack Mill-Run P D'iddy
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Southern Grace UC Casanova *B
DOB 10.12.2023

Courtesy of Southern Grace Nigerians

Courtesy of Southern Grace Nigerians

ADGA registered
"Cas" is the genetic half brother to our Mill-Run O Red Light District, and O Wisteria Lane via Cas' sire who is the full brother to our late JRCH Southern Grace HL Outlaw.
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RJRCH, 1x 1st, 2x 2nd place (entire show history)
Sire: Southern Grace Up on Calvary *B
SS: CH Buffalo Clover Huey Long *B LA VVV 88 @02-01, 5x GCH​​
SD: GCH/MCH Buffalo Clover Cabernet 2*M LA VEVE 90 2020 AGS youth national grand champion, best udder, and best doe in show!
Dam: Southern Grace Pretty Princess 1*M LA VVVV 88
DS: Elite Southern Grace Jack Frost +*B​
DD: Buffalo Clover HL Duchess
Progeny in our Herd
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DOB 03.26.2024
Mill-Run O Pimpin Aint Ez

Courtesy of Southern Grace Nigerians

ADGA pending
Littermates: O Red Light District, and O The Lady is a Tramp
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Sire: JRCH Southern Grace HL Outlaw *B
SS: CH Buffalo Clover Huey Long *B LA VVV 88 @02-01, 5x GCH​
SD: GCH/MCH Buffalo Clover Cabernet 2*M LA VEVE 90 2020 AGS youth national grand champion, best udder, and best doe in show!
DS: Southern Grace J Caliente *B​
DD: Buffalo Clover HL Towanda
Progeny in our Herd
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DOB 03.30.2024
Southern Grace In Cahoots *B
Buckskin w white, blue eyes

Courtesy of Little Tots Estate

ADGA registered
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Sire: Little Tots Estate Cactus (paternal brother to CH Little Tots Estate Saturn LA EEEE 92, 20+ time BIS wins!, dam to the 3rd ever ND 93, CH Moon Station Opelia LA EEEE 93)
SS: ELITE SG Little Tots Estate Agave ++*B​
SD: Little Tots Estate Amaryllis
Dam: Sinai Thunder Bless your Heart 4*M LA GVVV 87
DS: Sinai Thunder EX Rosh Hashanah *B​
DD: Sinai Thunder B Still My Heart 3*M
Progeny in our Herd
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Valley's-Edge SW Black Jack
DOB 03.20.2023
Brown eyes, black & white, moonspots, Parent Verified- ADG34697



Courtesy of Abby at Valley's-Edge Farm

Sire: Valley's-Edge D StroopWafel
SS: Udderly Topnotch PR Dannon​
SD: Valley's-Edge French Toast
Dam: CH Tiny Angels RNB Sassaneq LA VEEV 89 @02-09, finished as a 2yo!
DS: Tiny Angels OH Rhythm'N'Blues
DD: CH Weedy Tavern Farm Lily LA EEEE 93 @09-04 (one of only 3
NDs to score 93 on LA)
ADGA registered
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Our very own Sassy son! How exciting!!!
Progeny in our Herd
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Mill-Run BJ Circle of Lyfe (2024- D)
Valley's-Edge D Aroma Joe
Brown eyes, gold & white, moonspots
DOB 03.22.2022, Parent Verified- ADG34696


Courtesy of Abby at Valley's-Edge Farm

ADGA Pending
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Sire: Udderly Topnotch PR Dannon DNA:SQ
SS: CH Helderberg MO Prophet LA VEE 89 @
SD: SGCH J-Nels LY Spatzle 3*M LA VEEE 90 @05-02, 2015
ADGA Reserve National Champion​
Dam: Valley's-edge GF Mrs. Bug DNA:PQ
DS: Valley's-edge FF Guy Fawks​
DD: CH Tiny Angels RNB Sassenaq LA VEEV 89 @02-09
Progeny in our Herd
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Mill-Run P D'iddy
Buckskin w/ wht, blue eyes
DOB 02.12.2025

PC Agape's Prize

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Sire: Agape's Prize Peek Achu​
SS: Old Mountain Farm Scarab​
SD: CH Agape's Prize Achu Blessu
Dam: Valley's-edge D'affodil *DNA:PQ*
DS: Valley's-edge DashboardLight​
DD: GCH Naissance Amelia *M LA VEEE 89 @06-02​
Progeny in our Herd
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Southern Grace HL Outlaw *B
03.05.2022 - 01.22.2024
Brown eyes, Swiss, DNA on File- ADG33376
LA GAA 79 @01-05 V in rear legs, feet, and back, 35 in RUA, and rump angle

pictured at 10 months old

Courtesy of Southern Grace Nigerians

pictured at 10 months old
ADGA registered
Louie is the half uncle to our Southern Grace Catcall
Sweet Louie. He was the first buck that truly made a big impact on our herd. We tragically lost him after his 12 day battle with listeria. He took his last breaths in Emily's arms, and surrounded by people that he knew loved him. We're so sorry there wasn't a better outcome for our buddy.
1x JRCH (<3 mo), 1x 1st, 3x 2nd, 1x 3rd, 1x 4th
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Sire: *B CH Buffalo Clover Huey Long LA VVV 88 @02-01, 5x GCH
SS: ++B +S CH/PGCH/MCH Buffalo Clover Valentino LA EEE 91 @06-02, sire of 15 finished champions
SD: SGCH Buffalo Clover Delta Dawn 1*M LA EEEE 91 @06-02
Dam: GCH/MCH Buffalo Clover Cabernet 2*M LA VEVE 90 2020 AGS youth national grand champion, best udder, and best doe in show!
DS: +*B Rosasharn NP Paulownia LA +VE 84 @01-02
DD: GCH/PGCH Buffalo Clover Chianti 1*M LA VEEE 90 @07-03
Progeny in our Herd
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Mill-Run O Whoa, Nelly! (2023- D)
Mill-Run O Red Light District (2024- D)
Mill-Run O Pimpin Aint Ez (2024- B)
Mill-Run O Wistera Lane (2024- D)
Mill-Run O Citrus Hit the Fan (2024- D)
Agape's Prize Peek Achu
Black & white, w/ frosting, sire verified- ADG34709
DOB 04.30.2021


Courtesy of Old Mountain Farm

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Peek Achu was sold
Sire: Old Mountain Farm Scarab
SS: Old Mountain Farm JustPlainEd (sire to the 2022 spotlight buck Old
Mountain Farm Gold Mine, who sold for $30,700)​
SD: Old Mountain Farm Raimy Quinn 5*M AR (maternal sister to Old Mountain
Farm Dalton Quinn, 1st place/1st udder yearling milker at the 2022 ADGA Nat
Dam: CH Agape's Prize Achu Blessu (maternal sister to GCH Wood Bridge Farm Count on Me +*B LA VVE 88 @02-11)
DS: CH Old Mountain Farm Templeton LA VEV 88 @02-02
DD: GCH Wood Bridge Farm CountnBlessns 1*M LA EEEE 92 @9, 3rd
place 7+ year old and 2nd place udder
Progeny in our Herd
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Mill-Run P Whatchu TalkinBout (2024- D)
Mill-Run P Some Like it Hot (2025- D)
Mill-Run P D'iddy (2025- B)