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Welcome to the Mill-Run Nigerians Website! 

Our herd is run and owned by Christy and Emily Miner.  We own a small performance herd of nigerian dwarf goats in Mill Run, Pennsylvania.  We participate in linear appraisal (LA), and show heavily.  We enjoy showing around the North Eastern area at ADGA sanctioned shows and our local sanctioned Fayette County Fair through 4-H annually.  We are proud members of the American Dairy Goat Association (ADGA), the American Goat Society (AGS), and Pennsylvania State 4-H.


How We Got Started

In January 2021, I (Emily) decided that I wanted to join our local 4-H dairy goat club.  So, without having much prior knowledge, we got my now heart doe, Willow, and a wether buddy who has since moved on.  We spent countless hours researching how to show a goat, how to shave a goat, ect.  It took some trial and error but, eventually we did get the hang of everything.  When my mom and I started going to more shows, my sister decided to also join 4-H and show goats. My mom

The goat that started it all...

and I went to our first national show in 2022 when it was conveniently in Harrisburg, PA.  Nationals happened to be the place where my mom took her first ever steps into the ring and she did fantastic (the doe even placed!) There, I won a 4th place ribbon for junior judging and a 6th place ribbon for junior management.  While I didn't place in showmanship, I've been winning showmanship competitions other places and compete every chance I get...


So in conclusion, what started out as a 4-H project turned into a life passion and family farm.  My mom and sister both help show the goats, my mom makes our soap, and my dad happily builds us whatever we need. (And he likes the house goats!)


About Our Logo

My mom's dad and his family were originally from Mill Run but moved a couple towns over. However they stayed in Mill Run for a long while. My dad's side of the family has been in Mill Run/the mountains since before the American Revolution and at one point owned a *very* large portion of the "mountain" (Mill Run and surrounding area). Matter of fact, our family name was so prominent and embedded that 2 Miner brothers were bailed out of jail by George Washington himself (there is a letter that you can find somewhere proving this.) My parents moved down to FL for a bit but ultimately chose to come back to little ole' Mill Run to start their family and this is where myself and both of my siblings were born and still continue to grow up. Our roots are soooo deep in this town and as my dad says "you can take the boy out of the mountains but you can't take the mountains out of the boy." Hence, the tree with roots and our name amidst them.

Located in Mill Run, Pennsylvania

Page Updated 03/04/2025

Feel free to use any of our photos for posts or your website where needed with picture courtesy of Mill-Run Nigerians.  Please do not trace any of our goats for any purposes.

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